La lansarea Versetelor de unică folosinţă, domnul Mircea Horia Simionescu a intimat o legenda că le-a dictat nopţile, la un microfon, fiind apoi transcrise, ca ale altcuiva etc. S-a speculat subit un suprarealism secund, încă postmodern, post-Târgovişte. Cum s-ar fi folosit de undele alfa, ori acestea de dânsul, eu aducându-mi aminte de feed back-ul comparabil al psihologului Ioan Ciofu în elaborarea propriei teorii a numărului de aur, care ar guverna totul, şi destinul uman, pas cu pas. Astfel că nu s-ar fi putut, la peste 80 de ani, să nu-şi fi publicat primul tom cu poezii o mie.
A mai mărturisit că poezia sa n-ar milita pentru nicio cauză. Voind să traduc în engleza ceva, şi muzica şi măştile de pe faţa vieţii-Bucureşti-Târgovişte nu se lăsau dezlipite, nu de limba română, dar de graiul acelui miezonoptic dicteu care va fi fiind al întregului-operă-MHS. Am ajuns, în transă, în muţenie, la elogiu vorbirii răzleţe şi l-oi fi auzit dintr-un luptat destin de aur ironic.
Un Liberus nocturnus i-au dedicat lui MHS d-nii Emil Stănescu şi Mihai Samson Petrescu. Iar Dan Gîju militează în Poeme de rămânere la arme. Aux arms!
Mircea Horia Simionescu
eulogy to lonely speaking
you know since ever that your dialogues
in life in sleep in revery moments
have no interlocutor
you speak alone – rare exceptions! -
with fear of solitude in solitary heart
and the words flying like tennis ball
have no reality or suffer from insufficiency
of understanding like in a grotto papered
by a deaf
and the poetry you now spread on white
stringing soliloquies with no beginning and end
finds its precise meanings
more true than of mirrors
and of geometers and more real than those
of mathematics of high spatial artillery music
only the music of haendel
in forms divinely grammatical petrifies itself
reducing the world uproar
to a single prevailing enclitic voice
Emil Stănescu @ Mihai Samson Petrescu
Choir of acrobats
Oh, you most noble unicorns and egrets,
we, servants
of language Genius
and its thoughts of a life,
urge you now
to mind
these words
for they were uttered
by an unsurpassed warrior of Scholar king
when army chosen he to give his life
as sacrifice
before a battle, so custom asked,
to say his Carmina,
poem of his life at a public end,
in order to guide the army
first, toward salvation and then, toward victory
Dan Gîju
Who and when?
I didn’t see of long a soldier cleaning his weapon,
of long I didn’t feel gun powder in my nostrils,
I see, in exchange, ever more women exhibiting, through barracks,
their uniforms…
And I see ever more foreign corporals ravaging on paths of the Country.
Oh, lost at cards Romania! Your mountains, would your mountains
ever again serve, sometime, someone, with faith?
Who and when will stretch again in them ambuscades?
Who and when will it be noticed in your chronicle one, at least,
tiny, and yet a bit of victory?
Flying are days, months… Like moments years pass, Romania;
what curse, what ill fate count your steps through age?
Which sign was put on your tophead in the first day of babyhood
that you became a whore in harem; or, more, a thief little sweeny,
caught almost always with tomcat in the sack?
(Renditions by George Anca)
Dr. George Anca