No 14 Plus Minus – Contemporary Music Journal receives work submitted for publication – up to the 8th and the 23rd of each month – studies and papers, resulting from scientific research in the field of music.
The texts, published in English or Romanian, must be sent in electronic format – with an English abstract and a bibliography (if necessary) – must not exceed 15 pages in length.
House style: A4 Microsoft Word format, with a font size of 12, Times New Roman, single-line spacing. All the necessary illustrations must be sent in .jpg or .png format, not within the text itself, but in a separate attachment. The video illustrations must not exceed the duration of 10 minutes and they must be in .avi format
The articles and studies must be original contributions and cannot have been previously published in other magazines or printed volumes.
The texts will contain the following data on the authors: first and last names, professional and academic degrees, the employer’s name, phone numbers, fax, e-mail address.
Each article or study sent for publication will be reviewed by two scientific referees, in the peer-review system, and will be endorsed by the journal’s publishing staff.
The publishing desk’s address is:
S.C. Sieben ER Publishing SRL
CP 13, OP 56, sector 6
Bucureşti / Bucharest
Phone: +4 074555 00 73